Planta del cacao. Sus semillas fueron empleadas como medio de pago en la América precolombina.

La fotosíntesis es la absorción de energía solar por la clorofila de las plantas para transformarlo en nutrientes para la elaboración del tejido vegetal.

La canforquinona, el óxido de fosfina acilo y el ivocerin son los principales fotoiniciadores empleados en odontología para realización de empastes dentales fotopolimerizados.

A Tooth For A Tooth
Light-curing dental composites
Fundación BilbaoArte Fundazioa, 2022
The strength of a seed depends on the absorption of light by the chlorophyll of its leaves and the mineral wealth of the land where it is located. A drive of force that made them pre-monetary objects: elements halfway between language and matter that quantify values, count goods and exchange resources.
The teeth similarly share a germ of transformation. The instantaneous hardening of a dental filling is produced by a flash of ultraviolet light. A photopolymerization reaction where the photoinitiators present in dental composites capture light energy and trigger atomic bonds of monomers until they reach the molar polymeric form. As if they were synthetic diamonds, they are spontaneously post-produced dental nuggets that I spread around the room like someone who drops grains in a barnyard...